Real Estate

What Does A HOME, Mean To You

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Most of us have heard the expression, A house is not a home, but we often pay far too little attention, to that, before we commit to purchasing a particular house. Wouldn’t it make sense, if, we spent, a little more time, and effort, considering, what would make us, consider it, to be, a HOME, […]

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To Buy or to Build

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When families, or individuals, first begin to think about purchasing a home, the question often arises as to whether they should buy a previously owned house, and then add a few personal touches, or whether they should hire a custom home building company to help them design their own. There are benefits and downfalls to […]

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Rent or Buy

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Rent or Buy? Which Option Makes Sense for You? If you are the individual who is weighing the option of buying or renting a house, you need to consider a few factors. Your financial situation has to be assessed for your long-term planning and that it is not that simple as well. Understanding your house […]

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Reasons Some Rent, Instead Of Own

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Although it is generally, considered, to be the American Dream, owning a home, of their own, is not, for everyone! Although studies indicate, in the longer – run, it is more cost – effective, to be an owner, than renter, there are certain individuals, who, it is often, not for. With that in mind, this […]

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Is It Your Right HOME

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Since, for most of us, the financial value of one’s house, represents our single – biggest, financial/ monetary asset, doesn’t it make sense, to have a method/ technique, to ensure, you proceed, as wisely as possible, and consider, a wide variety of relevant options and alternatives? Qualified, serious, potential home buyers, should, consider, if the […]

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How to Value a Freehold Property

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There are no yardsticks to measure the value of a freehold property. This is because evaluating a freehold is not an accurate science. However, you can follow certain guidelines on what you need to take into consideration when valuing a freehold, which is produced by the advisory services that give free advice to leaseholders. You […]

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