Many homeowners, potential qualified buyers, etc, believe they know what a particular house, is worth, but, often, either, over, or under – estimate, its actual VALUE! Homeowners, seeking to sell their home, need to have an accurate idea, so they can ensure it’s priced right, from the start! Those, who are considering selling, should also, […]
Nothing is as fickle as real estate. Housing prices may rise or fall for any number of reasons. Although they can make investing in your own property a bit of a risk, with a little bit of knowledge the informed shopper can easily make the best decision possible when looking at homes for sale. Buyer’s […]
Independent house valuation is one method which is being adopted by those who are willing to buy or sell a house. This is one method, which gives them a clear and comprehensive idea about the value of the property with regards to the market rate. Most of the people are not aware about the technicalities […]
We have been talking a lot recently about how to locate great deals. When dealing with individual sellers I recommend following these steps: Make contact (advertising) Speak on the phone and set an appointment Negotiate the deal Due diligence Closing In the above list, closing refers to actually buying the house. There is no turning […]
What does it Mean? There is a difference between getting pre-qualified and pre-approved to buy one of the condos for sale downtown. The difference is a pre-qualification means you may be able to get the loan based on skimming of your income and other information. This is why you may get pre-qualified credit card loan […]
While we often, refer to, home ownership, as a core component, of the American Dream, it’s important, for us, to take a realistic look, at the obligations, and necessities, involved, if this is, to truly be a dream, instead of a potential nightmare! Before embarking on this house – hunting, process, carefully, introspectively, objectively, examine […]
When doing renovations, people rarely think about long-term resale value. Most families just want a really nice place to live and they work to create their forever home. However, life can be unpredictable. So while it is joyful to make a dream home, those dreams need to be balanced with an understanding of whether or […]
One of the challenges, of creating a meeting – of – the – minds, when it comes to real estate transactions, etc, is, each party, often, has a different perception, of the value of any particular property! Generally, buyers under – value a potential purchase, often, seeking, a lower, than realistic, offering price. Sellers behave, […]
The largest investments we make in our lives are often the hardest to refund, that’s why it is really important to figure out what you need and then move on with your search. If we talk about big investments, one thing that people spend their whole life’s hard-earned money on is real estate. No matter […]
City life is commonly described as fast-paced. It is a life that is tangled with having a busy lifestyle such that every second counts. Despite this scenario, the advantages of living in the city still speak best about why there are still many families who choose to dwell in the urban jungle. Transport accessibility. Even […]